Margot Chamberlain is a soulful harper, singer, accompanist, and composer. She believes that music, especially harp music, can return us to what’s true
for us in the moment and open our hearts to the
sacredness and compassion that are around and
within our everyday existence.
It is the hour of the harp
when crickets chime on stones
when dusk darkens the fields
All time rushes on now
to the place of memory
the sacred room
You will find your song here
on a path through a wood
You will know why you stopped singing
why you put the instrument of your heart away
where this scar came from that keeps growing
along the ridge of your days
So listen now
these strings and hands
they are guides
their music is the current
that will carry you beyond
the river of your worry
When you disappear it is a blessing
Then you know you have arrived!
~ for Margot—thank you for your gifted work
Daniel Shanahan, poet, musician